childbirth outpatient(without medical indication): partial compensation of the costs of using the maternity room (此项若选二星三星都是 maternity room 50% reimbursement excess,四星是 maternity room 100% reimbursement excess)
obstretical care: contracted:100% ; not contracted: 80% of the average contracted rate
Post by ppurebluee;3320843
childbirth at home:100%
childbirth: clinical :100%
childbirth outpatient(medical indication): 100%
childbirth outpatient(without medical indication): partial compensation of the costs of using the maternity room (此项若选二星三星都是 maternity room 50% reimbursement excess,四星是 maternity room 100% reimbursement excess)
obstretical care: contracted:100% ; not contracted: 80% of the average contracted rate