Post by fan van delft;3041784 请博士们成熟一点,不要为了某个荷兰人某日说过某句闲言碎语, 就引以为真, 之后在博士申请人圈子里放风,动摇军心灭自己威风; 荷兰博士既然有工资,就是物有所值。一手花时间精力,一手拿所得,天经地义没什么好回避;
公派学生 800是什么水平大家都清楚,应该主动去和导师商量。 与其担心“该不该说”,不如考虑“话怎么说?和谁说?”----- ‘加钱’有很多方式,比如免房租。 退一步,最恶劣情况不成大不了一句 i am sorry (sorry的是导师,咱们一笑过,有什么了不起??)
..... GROW UP~~~ would it be better or make u feel less personal if i didn't quote urs?
ALL im saying is if u r 1of the 公派 PHDs, READ!! or give it a rest!
i say this in the most polite and humble way: the last thing i wanna do is sort u out of who ever u r whatever u said and bite u in the ass or attach in any possible means.......NO and AT ALL. just a forum full of strangers u never met and will never see, what's the big deal ??