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\"The best medicine is meaningless if it\'s not there where it is needed, at the time it is needed.\" As medical wholesale we work daily to improve the health care in emerging economies. We ensure that our customers are supplied in good time with the right medications and medical devices.
Imres already has 37 years impact on health care in developing countries. We do this through high-quality medications, medical devices and medical kits to deliver to international aid organizations, local governments and private customers. We work closely with our suppliers and customers to ensure that their health programs be carried out as efficiently as possible.

- Buyer/Purchaser (full time)

- Lelystad

What are you going to do?
  • Negotiate with suppliers on the quality, delivery time and price of our products;
  • Purchases of our package medicines and medical devices;
  • Guarding and purchases of stocks;
  • Maintain contact with current suppliers and researching potential for increased products file;
  • Following developments on the market;
  • Purchases and coordinating direct shipments.

What we ask?
  • At least a + training, Nevi l/ll is an advantage;
  • 40 hours per week available;
  • The use of solid computer skills;
  • Knowledge of the MS office package (knowledge of AX Dynamics is a plus);
  • The candidates preferably speak Chinese and English;
  • Excellent communication skills;
  • A commercial establishment and good numerical insight;
  • Customer focus and the ability to be able to think in terms of solutions.

Of course you are negotiating skills, reliable, stress resistant, creative, energetic, and especially accurate and a team player.
What do we offer
We offer a fulltime and challenging position in a dynamic company with an international character. The no-nonsense mentality and collegiality that prevails there is the basis of a pleasant working atmosphere. Furthermore, the fine and the opportunities for you to develop further personally within our company.

Are you the one that we are looking for? Please send your CV and motivation letter to careers@imres.nl, Claudia van Adrichem, HR executive.
You can also visit our website:
For content-related questions you can call Dian by Uythoven on telephone number 0320-29 69 69.

来源: Imres B.V.招聘Buyer/Purchaser,需英文流利,有相关工作经验


清澈如冰  中级海盗  2018-4-20 18:50:53 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
Harry飞飞  见习海盗  2018-5-3 20:36:28 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
清澈如冰 发表于 2018-4-20 18:50

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