企业简介 With its origin in The Netherlands, FOX Global has its headquarter based in Rotterdam. From our home base we currently operate and control 5 offices on strategic locations, offering a wide range of logistical services and solutions around the globe. A grasp from our global logistics services are sea freight import and export, air freight import and export, customs services, international express services, distribution and warehousing. FOX Global is a company dedicated to bringing extra care and attention to our clients business, our people are working on finding solutions and providing the customer with the best service with pleasure every day. One of the unique values of FOX is the historical bond with China. Our roots are partially in China and out network is large. Part of our staff is Chinese, which makes communication easy. We broaden our network in China every day. This makes FOX the appropriate partner to take care of your logistics from and to China and other parts of Asia. FOX Global can represent you in different cases and support you in all stages of the supply chain. For more information, please visit our website: .
招聘对象 - 文案美工 (全职) 工作地点 - Rotterdam
工作内容 根据公司要求,并运用互联网思维,撰写风格的故事、文章、产品策划文案、品牌宣传文案、广告软文,平面图片广告设计,及新闻稿; 独立撰写各类稿件(新闻稿、综述稿、评论稿、专访稿等)、策划方案、报告等; 网站图片设计美化,产品图片美工修整; 紧跟网络文化并发挥自己的创意,能够独立/协助团队,完成文案的创作和编辑; 网站、微信、微博等新媒体的内容编辑、专题策划; 对营销广告与产品页面进行文案描述;
工作要求 新闻、传媒等相关专业; 文字功底扎实,文笔出众,擅长撰写各类文字稿件; 具有杂志、纸媒采访、微文撰写等经验,有实际约稿、改稿、审稿的经验; 有扎实的图片美工基础; 能够准确捕捉产品亮点,具备恰如其分的文字表现能力; 具有专业创意思维、敏锐的洞察力、丰富的想象力、新闻敏感度且善于与人沟通; 具有深厚的文字功底,掌握不同风格文案写作方法,精通各种文案的处理方法,熟练应用office办公软件,及PS等图片处理软件; 积极主动、敬业、责任心强、快速适应新环境,能承受一定的工作压力。
联系方式 有意者请发送简历至邮箱
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