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Antec Europe B.V. is seeking for a MALE RMAADMINISTRATOR INTERSHIP for assisting the following daily duties:

Daily Duties:
  • Responding to customer service emailand phone calls.
  • Entering replacement order intoNavision system
  • Issuing RMA number to customers.
  • Receiving customer returnedmerchandise, doing receipts in Navision system, and taking care of replacement orders.
  • Assisting customers to resolve serviceproblems.
  • Helping process returned stock, monthlyinventory management and spare parts maintenance.
  • Good knowledge of PC & good Dutch speak is a plus.

  • Able to lift 15 KG computer components  能提起15公斤的电脑零件
  • Receiving & verifying incoming goodsand process in system.  接收和检查运到的货物并按照工作流程进行。
  • Packing outbound shipment,  包装运往国外的货物
  • preparingoutbound document,  准备好发货文件
  • contacting carrier fordaily shipment schedule.  联系运输者确定每日发货日程表
  • Help with facility maintenance  帮助维护设备
  • Organizing warehouse facility.  管理仓库的硬件设施。

If you’re interested, please send yourresume to Mr. Jack Wu. Email: jack.wu@antec.com
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