Situation 2
The reduced wage criterion for graduates applies to a highly skilled migrant. If this highly skilled migrant
switches employer, this reduced wage criterion will remain applicable. The IND will, however, check whether
the reduced wage criterion has not changed. If the wage criterion has undergone an annual indexation, the
highly skilled migrant will have to meet the wage criterion for graduates that is current on the date on which
the change of employer was reported to the IND.
附件中的Situation 2, 在荷兰毕业的学生在转换新工作期间,新公司单位依然可以按照reduced wage criterion(降低的工资标准)像IND申请签发KM. 但是没有提及如果在换工作期间,达到30或30以上,新的公司是否也是可以继续按照reduced wage criterion(减低工资标准)申请KM.
我的理解是,如果在荷兰毕业第一份工作按照reduced wage criterion(减低工资标准)获得KM, 如果期间转换工作,同时年龄达到30岁或超过30岁,新的公司仍然可以按照reduced wage criterion(减低工资标准)来为你申请KM. 只是要注意一点的是,这个reduced wage criterion(减低工资标准)每年都会有少许的变动。
大家讨论一下是不是这样,或者有没有有经验的的朋友帮帮解释一下。谢谢! |