考试的时候遇见了另外两个哥们,我们仨都拿到了证。大致的结果都是第一部分至少对了15个,第二部分他们两个好象都对了37个,我对了35个。 他们两个都上班,估计没有功夫来跟大家交流了,我就献丑了,提供点信息和意见吧。
第一部分---Dander recognition
考之前上版里面大家都会说新题型挺难什么的,结果去了才发现,其实挺简单的。别的先不说,就说25个题里面选出12个正确的,这个比率就不高。再者,同去考试的两个哥们一点都没有复习这部分,就是临考前我们一起看了看我的练习册上的题,结果大家都过了。而且他们好像都对了15个,我因为做过5套题,所以对的稍微多一些,19个。 从这部分的考试和付息的经验来说,我个人觉得看完新的535题里面的这部分练习,研究一下答案的话,通过绝对是没有问题的。[特别提醒,现在的练习册已经是535题了,包含了新的题型练习以及新的road marking, 买书的xdjm要注意啦]
1. situation----a. normal b special (including bad weather, narrowing road, potential unexpected action of other road users, etc.)
2. distance and speed (following distance---brake distance---stoping distance)
3. traffic rules and signs ( this gives certain regulation that you must or should follow, such as a stop sign. Also, those warning signs, such like warning of cyclist or pedestrians are categorized in this group)
4. evaluation of decisions [if necessary]
在一个雪天, 路上有积雪,十字路口,没有别的车辆,现在需要转弯,时速20,问应该做什么(考试里面的题,练习上好像也有)
1. because of the weather, it is special condition---pay more attention
2. speed ---low, distance---okay, braking---possible of skidding
3. traffic doesn't require you to do anything
4. evaluation of decision--- because of the weather, braking is not the first choice, and condition requires more attention, so do nothing is not probably the best, thus release the accelerator.
一条有suggestion cyclist path的单车道的路(就是整个路面能放下两辆车)天气状况很好,前方有cyclists, 约200米内有个右转弯,oncoming traffic不能被看见因为两侧的树,时速60,following distance 大约是20-30多米, 问应该采取什么措施:
1. Condition---blind blend (special condition), low speed and imbalanced road users(special condition)
2. Speed---acceptable for the road. Distance---also acceptable
3. No other traffic rules require you to perform any action
4. evaluation of decision---- 1. if do nothing, then you need to overtake the cyclists, and according to the situation (blind blend), it is kind of dangerous, not the best solution. 2. reduce the accelerator? but the cyclists ahead are slow and the distance&speed do not allow you to drive behind them (if you steer to avoid hit them, it is also kind of overtaking), not a good option. Thus it is better to brake and follow them.
第二部分: 教规
这部分我就不打算多说什么了,重要的教规原则记住就好了。比如exceptional maneuver, you must allow all road users to go first. 还有on unsurfaced road, drivers must allow all drivers to go first. But, when turning off, driver must allow all road users on the same road to go first! Thus whether the road is surfaced or not doesn't affect this rule. (在十字路口就两条路,一条横的,一条纵的,每条路都包括其各自的自行车道或者是别的什么道路,所以当你要转弯的时候,旁边的自行车道上有在你这条路直行的自行车或者是路人,你都必须让路)
1. 允许的
2. 禁止的
所以,交规表述的时候无非就是禁止型或者是允许型,如果是禁止型的,那么除了它所陈述的,那么其他的行为都是允许的。允许行的呢,就是只有那么些行为被允许。 根据这个有的时候进行判断也是有帮助的。 但是,看的都是理论书,并没有看到真正的交通法规,所以不好说我们应该怎么做了。尤其疑惑的是:
在motor road上面 outside of builtup area,问你开80可以不? 我选了不可以,因为理论书上说,你要keep as near as possible to the maximum speed, 但是从结果来看,好像是可以的。因为法规上面是说最高开一百,最低是50。
还有呢,理论书上说,如果你停车超过一分钟的话,如果情况允许,一定要把发动机关掉。 法律上又没有说这条,但是考试的时候,根据我的答案,应该是必须要关掉的。 这些有点疑惑的地方,还得进一步的学习,最好是大家一起讨论。我觉得最重要的是,如果有不理解的问题,在版里问大家,然后根据大家的讨论加上自己的理解来综合考虑解决疑惑的问题。
[ 本帖最后由 thinkmac 于 2009-3-17 11:34 编辑 ] |