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When a player makes the first point it is equal to 15. When a second point is scored (15 points) the result gets 30. When the third point takes place (10 points) the result gets 40. Normally after the fourth point, you win a game. But a game is only considered as won if there is a difference in the result of a minimum of two scores.
 For example
Player A plays against player B: A leads with 40 – 30 and loses the next point. After this, the result is 40 – 40. Following that the game continues until one of the players score two points more then his rival.
 The player who wins the first 6 games with a minimum of 2 points difference (6-4, 6-2, 7-5), wins the set. The player that first wins the first two sets is the winner.
 If the score gets 6 – 6, then the players play a tiebreak. In order to win a set, a tiebreak is played to a maximum of 7 points and the winner is the one that scores two points more than his rival.  
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