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My name is Serge and i am a drivinginstructor for car and motorcycle. My teaching area is in Almere ('t Gooi) and Amsterdam.

Through the years if have had many chinese students that came to me for help or just wanted to start their lessons. Many of them had tried other drivingschools and were not sattisfied with the result. Some had to do more than 4 exams and still failled. The main reason was communication between the instructor and the student. If the instructor is not cappable of explaining (because of a low english level) then it is very hard to learn your skills.

My drivingschool has a very simple but highly effective method of training wich you can easily follow. All the lessons are in English with a lot of information about how you have to drive. Including in the lessons are a couple of testexams (wich are free of costs). These exams are the key to your succes.

Most of my Chinese students are a member of gogodutch and some of them already posted some comments about me on this forum.....wich you can read for yourself. Most of them already passed the exam and are driving around in their car. The students offently pass in 1 or two times (if followed the correct procedure).

If you are looking for a class A drivingschool (and you can speak English) in the area of Amsterdam or Almere please give me a call and i will help you where i can.


RSL Almere (check google for the site and prices)


RSLAlmere  初上贼船  2015-9-13 17:54:08 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
The intake lesson of 1 hour is free. If you like the lesson then you can plan your procedure.....if you don't like it then you can always find another driving school.

Right now i have a promo package.........32 lessons of 45min + the practical exam.......€ 899,-


蒲公英2009  见习海盗  2015-9-15 12:33:59 来自手机  | 显示全部楼层 来自: 德国
天一阁322  初上贼船  2015-9-16 06:44:46 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
我和Serge 老师学了半年,提高非常。  他整个的教学系统非常好。先会给你讲解一些basic principle, 上过一段时间后,他会给你测试,让你体验考试是怎样的,你现在离考试差距是什麽。
他为人也非常耐心,很多中国人刚开始开车都有点胆怯,他不断鼓励,帮你分析为什么你不知道该如何反应,为什么会紧张。 应该如何观察路况,想出解决方法。我之前在另一个教练那里学了一段时间,感觉进步很小。3月以来跟Serge 老师学到现在,信心越来越大。非常推荐这个老师!
RSLAlmere  初上贼船  2015-9-21 07:18:25 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

I still have a couple of spots left for Almere. If you have any interest in getting your drivinglicence with an A class drivingschool please give me a call.


不会起名字  初上贼船  2015-9-26 08:51:14 来自手机  | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
echo416  初上贼船  2015-11-4 19:03:10 来自手机  | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
一直跟serge学的 两周前刚考过了 来支持下教练 serge是一个蛮有耐心的人 教车也有自己的一套方法 上课时间充足不会停下休息很久 每节课后还跟你分析下今天开车的情况 而且他带过不少中国学生 在教中国人这方面比较有经验 总之是一个不错的教练 推荐
chiaotong  见习海盗  2015-11-5 21:08:28 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
Nice teacher, I learnt from him and passed at 1st time.
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