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Chappie  中级海盗  2005-8-31 22:30:06 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: [请教] 关于 连词die,dat,waar,wie的用法

Dit = 这里?
Dat = 那里?
Waar = 哪?
Wie = 谁?

Dit = used to point things which is CLOSE
Dat = used to point things which is FAR
Waar = used to specify a place
Wie = used to specify a person

Dat is mijn boek 那本书是我的
Dit is mijn school 这里是我学校

Waar and Wie is almost the same way used as in english.

Ik zag met haar die/wie dokter is. Not logical sentence.
Dit is mijn school, waar ik nederlands leer. this is my school where I learn dutch

Dont mix up things, however much dutch people makes mistakes with that. You might hear those structure sentence.
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