之前发信问了下IND关于学生ID(我9月1日过期)过期后离境的问题,回复是说ID过期28天之内可以直接从荷兰回国或者经非申根国家转机(比如:俄罗斯,约旦,土耳其,阿联酋等等)回国,只要28天之内离境就不会对以后有任何影响(不良记录啥的)。。而且学校的International office也说28内直接离境没有任何问题。。有亲测的同学说Schiphol的海关啥也没问就过去了。。关于其他种类的ID是否也可以过期28天之内离境还给大家亲自去问IND。。以下是IND的邮件回复:
With reference to your request for information I hereby inform you as follows.
After your permit expires you have 28 days time te leave the country. This means that you can leave directly after the 15th September without any consequences.
I hope to have informed you sufficiently.
With kind regards,
C. Arends
Public Information Officer
Immigration and Naturalisation Service
Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations
T 0900 1234561 or from outside the Netherlands 0031-20-8893045
(€ 0,10 p.m. and the additional costs for calling with a mobile phone,
weekdays from 09.00 till 17.00 hour)
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