之前早就下载了格大IE&B的入学要求,今儿想看看,会不会今年要求有所改变。尼玛真的改了啊,居然又要GRE啊,姐姐我刚考完GMAT啊,啊啊啊啊!!不过,格大又注明In order to apply for the:
MSc Economics
MSc Econometrics, Operations Research and Actuarial Studies (EORAS)
MSc International Economics and Business (IE&B)
as proof of verbal and quantitative reasoning and analytical writing, you must submit a satisfactory Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) General Test result. Applications will be evaluated in combination with the other required information (such as course descriptions and literature lists) that needs to be provided when submitting an application.
In the following cases we also accept a GMAT test:
- If you have already obtained a GMAT score (not older than two years)
- If it is not possible to take a GRE General Test in your country
Please keep in mind that the Faculty of Economics and Business Admissions Office will only evaluate applications for these programmes after receipt of the GRE General Test.