Dear Huygens scholarship holders,
Following a decision by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science to cut education spending, the Dutch cabinet submitted a proposal to the House of Representatives on 8 April 2011 calling for the termination of the Nuffic-run Huygens Scholarship Programme and Libertas Support Fund as from 1 January 2012.
You are currently enrolled under a Huygens Scholarship. The termination of the Huygens Scholarship Programme in 2012 will not affect the scholarship you currently receive. The grant letter and conditions as provided to you remain valid, and you may continue to pursue and complete your study programme under the Huygens scheme.
Should you have any questions about this termination decision, please contact the ministry. http://www.rijksoverheid.nl/ministeries/ocw/documenten-en-publicaties/kamerstukken/2011/04/08/kamerbrief-herziening-subsidiebeleid-onderwijssubsidies.html
For questions regarding possible consequences of this decision for you personally, please send an email to: huygens-int@nuffic.nl.
I wish you every success with the continuation of your studies.
With kind regards,
Joep Houterman
Director of Capacity Building & Scholarships