Preparatory Programme
Students with good foreign undergraduate qualifications in related disciplines but who lack sufficient knowledge of Communication Science and/or Research Methodology may still be admitted, provided they complete the special Preparatory Programme (30 EC credits). The preparatory programme will be taught in one semester.
The costs of the Preparatory programme will be your tuition fee divided in two (because you will only participate in the preparatory for semester / half of the year).
我好象明白了,是没有荷兰学位的话可以先过来读一学期的预科,不知道是不是这个意思?妈的,这英语真别捏,为什么还写着Students with good foreign undergraduate qualifications in related disciplines but who lack sufficient knowledge of Communication Science and/or Research Methodology may still be admitted,既然一棍子打死了,因为没有荷兰学位需要读预科,为什么还加了个BUT来转折!!