Please note: we can only consider your application once you have submitted at least the following seven documents:
1. Your Curriculum Vitae
2. Your motivation letter: one-page essay describing professional career goals and motivation for the programme
3. A description of the courses you have taken during your previous higher education, you can either copy this from the study guide or type 5-10 sentences for each course yourself (written in English)
4. A list of all the main literature used during your previous higher education
5. A copy of your transcript with all the grades obtained up to this moment
6. A copy of your passport
7. Two academic reference letters
楼主看的要求Your motivation letter: one-page 怎么是一页啊,俺怎么看的是Letter of motivation (1 or 2 pages in length) ,难道俺找的地方不对啊,麻烦楼主发个链接过来啊。现在我都写了2页多了好不忍心删啊呜呜~