这是UVA给我发的邮件,两年的Communication Science没录取我,一年的European Communication Studies到底有没有录取我也说得不清不楚的,大家帮忙看看,以下是他给我的回信,谢谢大家!!
I am sorry to inform you that the admissions committee decided not to select you for the Research Master Communication Science. After careful consideration of your application file the admissions committee concluded that your academic background is not optimal for the programme.
However, the commission decided that you could be a good candidate for our one year MSc programme European Communication Studies. In the academic year 2010-2011 our Graduate School will offer two more English taught programmes, namely Political Communication and Persuasive Communication. These new programmes will be announced on our webiste in February. You are accepted to one of these one-year programmes on the following conditions:
- As your academic background is not considered to be optimal, you will first need to complete the one-month module Intensive Introduction Course to Research Methodology, offered in August 2010. The one-month module Intensive Introduction Course to Research Methodology is not included in the fee and costs 500 EUR extra.
- Our admissions office needs to officially assess your academic level and background, which will be done in the first week of January. I therefore plan to send you the official decision by the second or third week of January 2010. |