荷兰马斯特里赫特大学 (Universiteit Maastricht)Department Pharmacology and Toxicology (https://phartox.nl/staff), Prof. Dr. Frederik-Jan van Schooten 组有意招收 2019年CSC中国公派留学生1-3 名。
Prof. Dr. Frederik-Jan van Schooten 是荷兰毒理组界的大牛,其组在这几年也连续获得荷兰NWO基金的支持(多个Veni 和 Vidi 的项目),其主要研究方向是lung cancer and COPD的机理方面研究以及无创检测。。。
现在组里几个Assisstant Professor 有相关的项目,希望招收1-3名中国CSC学生参与到项目中来。。。。
The candidate holds a MSc degree in Life Sciences (Biomedical Sciences, Biology or Biochemistry or equivalent) with a strong interest in Molecular and Cellular Biology. We seek a talented and ambitious researcher who is flexible and has good communicative skills and who is highly proficient in both spoken and written English. The candidate preferably has strong affinity for cellular and molecular biology techniques, gene manipulation, and protein analysis.
有意向的同学可自行联系教授Frederik-Jan van Schooten: F.vanschooten@maastrichtuniversity.nl
并附上CV和motivation letter