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The search period for Highly Skilled Migrants no longer needs to be applied for starting 1 July 2016

What does this mean for you as an employer?
To ensure that an employee has 3 months to look for a new job in the Netherlands as a Highly Skilled Migrant you will no longer be required to show that the employee is not responsible for the termination of employment. From 1 July 2016, if the Highly Skilled Migrant becomes unemployed during the validity of the residence permit, the 3 month search period to look for a new job as a Highly Skilled Migrant will always apply.

If you hire a new employee who has a valid residence permit as a Highly Skilled Migrant, you will now only need to check whether the termination of employment with the previous sponsor was less than 3 months ago.

If the Highly Skilled Migrant is not able to find new employment as a Highly Skilled Migrant within 3 months, the Dutch Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) will withdraw the residence permit. The 3 month search period starts from the date the employment contact with the sponsor ends.

This change has been implemented as a result of a policy change at the IND.




开心永久久  见习海盗  2017-1-5 20:28:41 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 欧盟
lostwater  见习海盗  2017-2-16 22:25:32 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
开心永久久 发表于 2017-1-5 20:28

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