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本帖最后由 韋伯斯特大學 于 2015-12-14 12:34 编辑

Master of Science in Cyber Security (網路安全管理)


3/1/2016前完成申請並於3/15前完成註冊的學生獲5% Early-bird學費減免

課程內容及安排: 18個月; 14門課; 每個Term為期2個月,修2門課
CSSS 5000 Introduction to Cybersecurity
This course is designed to provide the student with an overview of the major core areas of study they will encounter throughout this prpgram. Introduction of computer system architectures, vulnerabilities, critical infrastructures, the growing threat of social networks, intelligence and counterintelligence, international laws, security policies, privacy and information liability, cyber-attacks, encryption, risk assessment, cyber forensics including data gathering and recovery, and a forward look at future cyber technology developments.
CSSS 5110 Cybersecurity Communications
Digital communications have grown rapidly and provide increased opportunities to: Access information; share and disseminate knowledge; create new innovative services; and compete in a global environment. It presents new opportunities and a growing threat posed by a connected society that can impact critical United States interests. The basics of communication systems, the ISO Layer Model, topologies such as LocalArea-Networks (LANs), Wide-Area-Networks (WANs), World Wide Web and the Internet, space-based communications used by Department of Defense (DOD) and commercial entities, fiber-optics, as well as the rapidly developing personal mobile communication technologies such as Wireless Local Area Network (Wi-Fi).
CSSS 5120 Cybersecurity Infrastructures
The impact of September 11, 2001, cemented our attention on physical attacks on United States critical infrastructures. Although still a concern, a growing cybersecurity threat requires additional focus on potential virtual attacks on these same critical infrastructures such as the power grid, communications and financial transactions can have as great, or greater, impact on our society. Cyber-attacks have and can cripple an industry and the services they provide to millions of users. The critical infrastructures identified by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) are examined from a cybersecurity perspective.
CSSS 5130 Cybersecurity Intelligence/Counterintelligence  
Students examine methods, ethics, policies and procedures for accessing and gathering information for positive or negative use and applying counterintelligence to evade, trick or trap individuals, agencies or national entities that wish to steal, damage or deny access to valid users of critical information and its sources. Active measures, passive counter measures, and intelligence gathering processes as well as determining the validity and success of gathering information will be included.
CSSS 5140 Cybersecurity Strategic Operations
Specific methods, ethics, laws, policies and procedures for conducting strategic operations and countermeasures are the focus of this course. Students will learn how to identify critical infrastructures; communication channels and information protection schemes and how to detect threats; assess vulnerabilities; penetrate and exploit cyber targets; understand how to monitor, spoof, redirect and deny access; as well as protect critical assets. CSSS 6001 and 6002 Practical Research in Cybersecurity (3) The student is expected to synthesize and integrate the learning experiences acquired throughout the MS in Cybersecurity and to evaluate current and future topics relative to this major.
WSBT 5000 Career Success in the 21st Century
In partnership with Right Management, a global leader in talent and  career management solutions, this unique course will provide the student with a foundation in managing his/her career, focusing on discovery and personal branding. A one- on- one career coach will help the student  articulate personal career goals —   regardless of whether the student is starting a career, changing careers, or simply wants to develop further with the current employer. Students will have the option of continuing to work with a personal career coach up to 12 months following the completion of the course.
CSSS 5210  Cybersecurity Law and Policy
CSSS 5220  Cybersecurity Threat Detection
CSSS 5230  Cybersecurity Forensics
CSSS 5240  Pre-emptive Deterrence
CSSS 5250  Use and Protection of Space Assets
CSSS 5260  Encryption Methods and Techniques
CSSS 5990  Advanced Topics in Cybersecurity*

Patty Chen
+31 (0)71 5168000
微信: patty_websterNL

美國韋伯斯特大學成立於1915年,屆滿百年,2010年在USNews & World Report評選”最優秀大學”中名列中西部第24名,並被評選為具有”最出色國際辦學項目”的大學。今日其於世界8個國家有校區,跨越四大洲:美國、歐洲(荷蘭萊頓、奧地利維也納、瑞士日內瓦、英國倫敦)、非洲(迦納阿卡拉)、亞洲(泰國曼谷、中國上海成都)。荷蘭校區於1984年成立,至今31年,仍是荷蘭唯一受認證的美國大學。Webster位於萊頓市中心,到荷蘭商業中心阿姆斯特丹約25分鐘火車,而到聯合國組織重鎮海牙也僅15分鐘。學生來自世界40多國,國際化而小班的教學模式,培養每位學生在國際職場上表現的能力。
·        學生可自由選擇到其他校區修課,最大化國際視野,學分皆相通,畢業皆獲得美國學位。荷蘭校區學費是歐洲校區中最低,且以目前歐元收費。
·        真正小班制:平均12人,最多20人一門課。
·        教授群皆在業界有豐富經驗,實務教學。
·        於荷蘭校區畢業後一樣可向荷蘭政府申請1年延簽,留在荷蘭找工作。


韋伯斯特大學  ↗认证院校↗  2016-2-4 12:46:13 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
Our faculty members have appropriate credentials, experience and have been published in magazines and publications that focus on this industry. They have a breadth of experience in areas such as:

• Forensic Data Recovery for Law Enforcement, Courts and Corporations
• Court Certifi ed Expert Witness in Digital Forensics
• Member of US Secret Service Electronic Crime Task Force-New York City and San Francisco Field Offi ces
• Former Chief of Staff and Special Assistant to the Director of the CIA
• Group Leader in Security at Los Alamos National Laboratory
• Prosecution of Computer Crime cases
• Executed numerous Search and Seizure Warrants in more than 50 complex financial and economic crime cases
• Former Manager Sandia National Laboratory’s Transition Mainframe Scientifi c Computing to Massively Parallel High Performance Computing • Responsible for Computer Security
• Former Director of Information Security, Investigations and Incident Response-Experian Corporation
• Former Research Director/Information Security Strategies, Gartner Group
• Former Principle Security/Cyber Investigations, Fidelity Investments
• Chief of Counterintelligence and Security Policy with the Intelligence Community Management Staff
• Former distinguished Member of the Technical Staff, Sandia National Laboratory
• Technology Readiness Evaluator for the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA)
• Directed and Managed Technologies and Tools to Protect US Nuclear Assets
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