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RUG, the law school of rug is best in the netherland and ranks the first class with oxford and cambridge in europe. it is said that it has exchage relationship with harvard and yale.
eur is only famous for its mangement or economics worldwide.


fzylin  见习海盗  2002-6-4 13:55:16 | 显示全部楼层
ranks the first class ?
meizh  初上贼船  2002-7-18 10:35:52 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
RUG is a very good university, actually, all the universities in Holland are very high in quality. But I would not say RUG ranks the first class in law. To be more modest, I would prefer to mention that Leiden University. Utrecht University, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Maastricht University and RUG are very good universities, or more specifically in law' especially Leiden University, though it is a little bit going downward compared with its prosperous period earlier.
pipi  中级海盗  2002-7-18 14:27:37 | 显示全部楼层
upward  初上贼船  2002-7-19 06:51:24 | 显示全部楼层
Mr.zhang, are you now studying in RUG? how do you get the news of "Rug has interchanges with harvard and yale"? meigh,does your words mean that RUG does not stand out from those universities?
meizh  初上贼船  2002-7-19 12:31:50 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
I would not say so, different universities exist in Holland for various reasons' for sure, each one has its own strong adn weak points. I am just trying to give an objective comment. To choose among those, it shall depend on different people themselves (their taste, major, etc.)
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