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近期的「Stop Asian Hate」事件引起全世界亚裔群体的关注,除了美国,欧洲亚裔群体生活环境也需要得到外界的关注。

荷兰「Stop Asian Hate」示威活动举办人Lesley通过荷乐网平台向在荷华人发出邀请:

上周美国佐治亚州首府亚特兰大发生了针对于亚裔的枪击案件,此事在全球各地引起广泛响应,自新冠病毒爆发以来,据「停止仇恨亚裔和太平洋岛居民」(Stop AAPI Hate)组织最新报告指出,过去一年间,全美发生近3800起针对亚裔族群的仇恨攻击事件。更以言语骚扰为大宗,其他包含刻意忽略、人身攻击等。

Black Lives Matter呼声还未停歇,亚特兰大的枪声又令人们对亚裔的生存环境忧心忡忡。




Last week, there was a shooting case targeting Asians in Atlanta, the capital of Georgia, USA. This incident has caused widespread responses around the world. Since the outbreak of the coronavirus, according to the latest update of the Stop AAPI Hate organization, The report pointed out that in the past year, nearly 3,800 hate attacks against Asian ethnic groups have occurred across the United States. The verbal harassment is more common, and the others include deliberate ignorance and physical attacks.
The call for Black Lives Matter has not stopped, and the gunfire in Atlanta has made people worry about the living environment of Asians. 

The Netherlands is often considered a melting pot of different cultures and ethnicities where tolerance rules and minorities have space in society. To be honest, the debate on this issue has been open for some time and the romantic vision of the past has been replaced by a more crude realism. It means racial discrimination still exists.  
We all deserve a more equal society. No one should remain silent about this. Now we accept discriminations to occur, it is hard to imagine what will happen in the future? 

The epidemic is still going on, so I hope that while protesting, abide by the relevant epidemic prevention rules. Wearing masks and keeping a safe distance throughout the process is a must. Sitting, standing up and holding slogans are more advisable, collective singing and shouting are not very recommended. 

This demonstration has been approved. Please respect others throughout the process and treat the public space with respect, give help to those in need. Excessive behavior is not acceptable.

荷兰「Stop Asian Hate」示威活动

  • 时间:3月27日, 15:30-17:30

  • 地点:Museumplein 6, Amsterdam

  • 注意:本次示威活动已经获得荷兰警察局批准,请遵守相关的防疫规则,全程佩戴口罩,并保持安全距离



bigeyescat  海贼王  2021-3-25 19:35:34 来自手机  | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
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