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本帖最后由 zll19910516 于 2018-5-26 22:21 编辑

3月9号在阿姆一天考完了5门. 由于一月底上完荷兰语课, 然后回国休假, 所以一回荷兰赶紧把五门都考了, 不然荷兰语就忘光了. (荷兰语课结束的时候评估大概在 A2-~A2)
五门一起考还是有点挑战的, 特别是要在一个地方呆一天, 中途也没什么地方能去, 最多就出去散散步. 而且精力高度集中, 一天下来着实有点累!


第一场听力, 不是很难. 我基本上都是先看题目, 再看视频. 然后就是在视频里听关键词找答案了. 时间也很富裕

第二场阅读, 搞不懂为啥阅读会给这么久的时间. 总共就20多个题, 给一个多小时! 我不到半个小时做完 + 检查 就出来了. 感觉中国人做惯了英文阅读理解的, 这都是小儿科. 也没陷阱题. 全程都是先看题目 再看文章找答案. 提交之前发现考场还没人离开, 一度纳闷自己是不是真的做完了.

第三场KNM, 时间比较紧张. 每个故事章节之前有个全屏的视频描述故事背景 (练习题里没有这段), 一开始还老老实实的看, 后来发现真的一点用都没有. 所以直接听问题旁边的那个小视频就可以了. 不然太浪费时间了.

第四场写作, 由于没提前先浏览一遍题型, 结果时间分配出现了问题. 有两个邮件, 一个表格 和几个完成句子. 练习的时候没用过草稿纸, 结果考试的时候说要在草稿纸上先改好, 不要在答卷上不停涂改. 结果我在草稿纸上改来改去好几遍. 第一封邮件写完后 发现只有15分钟了!!! 所以后面的几个完全就没打草稿!! 最后也没时间检查, 最后一秒才把所有东西写完. 战略失误啊!!!

第五场口语, 被上一场写作影响的, 考口语的时候完全没办法淡定. 不过好在时间比较充裕. 先是后面十几道选择题尽可能快的做完, 剩下所有时间都放在前半部分的口语上. 可以重复录, 所以可以把所有的先都录一遍, 然后回过头来重新录重新修改. 这样不至于最后时间到了, 还剩下没回答的问题.

阅读, 听力, KNM一周之内就出结果了. 阅读: 9, 听力: 8, KNM: 8
口语基本一个月后出的结果: 8

更新: 写作结果出来了, 过了! 分数晚点更新, 目前还不知道!  3月9号考试, 5月23出结果, 耗时将近2.5个月!

更新: 写作分数收到了, 8分... 很意外呀 一直担心会挂掉...
鸡精来啦!! (由于同事问我要, 所以直接写成英语的了. 凑合凑合看吧)

1. A girl moved to Netherlands when she was at a young ageand she explained how inburgeren exam is like. she said it’s not difficult butit needs a lot of work. She recommended to take a dutch course and blablabla
Q1. where is she from?
Q2. what did she say about the exams?
Q3. what did she recommend to do at first?

2. two friends met on the street. one guy talked to anotherguy about his work time change (one hour less). then they tried to make anappointment to have a drink somewhere. first one guy proposed a bar, but it'cclosed on monday. then the other guy propose to have a drink at his home.
Q1. what time is that guy free from home?
Q2. what are they trying to make an appointment for?
Q3. where is the appointment?
Q4. when is it?

3. a guy is in a hospital and he needs to do some surgery.He asked a woman at reception desk how to go there. Then the girl told him togo this way and turn right at the second exit and you take the elevator to the2nd floor and then turn left (or right I forgot). (the instructionis repeated again at the end of the conversion) Then he can talk to somebody atthe reception there
Q1. What does the guy need to do in the hospital?
Q2. How can he go there?
Q3. Who should he report to?

4. Two women and one guy are talking about a companyparty/festival. The guy couldn’t join because of his holiday. Then one of thewomen talked about what she is going to do there (have a drink with friends andjoin a hiking group). Then the other woman said she will join the festival butshe won’t join hiking. She asked how to sign up. The other woman replied thatshe can sign up by sending an email to blabla and she can put the name on thelist.
Q1. When is the festival?
Q2. Why the guy couldn’t come?
Q3. What is the first woman going to do there?
Q4. How can they sign up?

1.    Which fruit do you like most and where do youbuy them?
2.    What do you like to do most on your birthday andwhat do you not want to do?
3.    When did you meet your friends last time andwhat did you do?
4.    What did you buy recently? And with who?
5.    What did you like most when you were at schooland why?
6.    Do you sometimes listen to the radio? And where?

1.    Email. You are going to England for yourholiday. And you friend A is living in England. You ask her how everything isgoing and if you can visit her. Tell her when you will come and how long willyou stay there. Also tell her who you are going to England with. Ask her if itsok to take that person as well.
2.    A form about signing up a gym
3.    Email. Your boss wants to talk to you next day10am. But you can’t come. Write an email to tell him that you can’t come, whyyou can’t come and when you will be able to have a talk again.


飞翔的小橘子  中级海盗  2018-5-7 21:53:23 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
zll19910516  见习海盗  2018-5-8 14:27:25 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
飞翔的小橘子 发表于 2018-5-7 21:53

都2个月了写作还没出结果, 已经焦虑到不行
飞翔的小橘子  中级海盗  2018-5-13 23:36:09 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
zll19910516 发表于 2018-5-8 14:27
都2个月了写作还没出结果, 已经焦虑到不行

appleyn  初上贼船  2018-5-15 10:30:46 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
zll19910516  见习海盗  2018-5-17 09:00:19 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
appleyn 发表于 2018-5-15 10:30

我是公司安排的荷兰语课, 每周一次, 总共30个小时. 荷兰语课结束后, 自己单独准备考试大概准备的一个星期吧. 每天晚上刷官网上的样题.
hawkbaby2012  见习海盗  2018-5-19 13:28:12 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
zll19910516  见习海盗  2018-5-22 12:59:44 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
hawkbaby2012 发表于 2018-5-19 13:28

Ethan.  见习海盗  2018-5-27 20:06:50 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
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